Inshallah we will have a fun filled day of activities with our IFN Families and Friends, We encourage you to invite your Extended Families and Friends as well from Chicago-land areas to join us for the event.
Admission Fee:
•$10 per person and $20 per Family if purchasing in advance.
•Otherwise it will be $15 per person and $30 per Family at the gate.
•We encourage you to buy in advance so we can plan accordingly.
InshaAllah we will start selling the tickets in the IFN lobby from this coming Friday.
Event details:
Meet N Greet, Rock Climbing for Young at Heart, Moonwalk, Sport Events (Cricket, Soccer, Hockey, Basketball, and Volleyball), Food Stalls, and Bazaar (Clothing, Jewelry, Perfumes, Artworks and other traditional items).
Sports Activities:
Tennis Ball Cricket, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey and Volleyball Matches in the Libertyville Sports Complex’s 2 Indoor Arenas and Various Basketball and Volleyball Courts.
We are looking forward to your participation to make this event an enjoyable a successful one InshaAllah!